Lifestyle: Shine Your Shoes

One of the key marks to distinguish a gentleman is his shoes.  It is one of the first things women look at when they see a man, and can be judged by it additionally it can make or break an outfit.  Being stylish as well as comfortable is important, yet what is a nice pair of shoes that isn’t looking its best.

Shining your shoes on a regular basis is a staple of a gentleman.  This can be expensive, costing anywhere from $5 - $7 per shine, not including tip.  Especially if its done once a week as it should.  Thank goodness for Nordstrom.  Normally known for higher prices and great customer service, getting your shoes shined at Nordstrom has tremendous value.  No matter New York, Chicago, San Francisco or Los Angeles, the cost per shoe is $2.50.  Yes that’s right, $2.50, and the best shines I have ever received have been there.  They take no short cuts, and produce quality work.  So next time you need to get your shoes shines, visit Nordstrom.


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