Fashion & Style Short Tie or Long?

When getting ready for the morning, did you know that your tie can tell if you are in a relationship or not?  Most of the time, we focus on the color, pattern, texture or size (skinny tie or not) of the tie as a fashion statement.  Yet the more visual expression in collaboration with relationship status is the tie's length.  Your tie's length is supposed to say if you are single or in a relationship.  How you may ask?  In relationship to the belt.  If the tie is at or above the belt, this shows a man is single and not in a relationship, yet if it is below the belt, then he is in a relationship.  In the modern fashion world, few forgot this small detail when dressing up, yet men/gentleman who have a more traditional touch abide by this small, yet significant fashion statement. 

Don't Just Be Ordinary, Be KlassiQue!

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