Day 15: Make the Decision To Be A Better You

Dreams of having the right career, nice home, a perfect mate, or just a slightly better life, it all begins with one step: the personal and mental decision to become better.  New Years resolutions are always a great but what value do they have if you don’t truly focus and act on them?  Eric Thomas, a well-known motivation speaker and Professor at Michigan State University, was homeless and decided to break the cycle and be a better person for himself and his family.  Helen Keller didn’t let going deaf and blind prevent her from achieving her goals, which help create brail for many that followed.  Michael Jordan didn’t let being cut from his high school basketball team prevent him from achieving his dreams. 

We all start off with a nice drive to be better, but the few will keep focused, keep trying and keep getting up to try again until they arrive.  This year, be married to your resolutions or goals.   Make few of them so you can keep focused (3-5 max).  Write why you want to achieve those goals, and read them daily. Additionally, surround yourself with people who will help you achieve those goals.  No one said you had to do it all yourself.  Moreover, when you are down, they can pick you up as you can for them.  This is one of the most significant things you can do because becoming distracted is easier than you think.

 My favorite quote is: In order to be successful, you must at any moment, sacrifice what you are for what you will become.”  You should live by this and do what it takes to get to where you want to go.  There will be bumps in the road, but no destination is worth going to without the journey. 

Ask yourself this: How long will you live or have you lived before you discover what you have got? What your potential is?  Answer those questions this year and FINALLY start down the path of change and success in your life!  The training wheels of high school and college are off, so keep focused on your resolutions, So Happy New Year and all the best.


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