Summer Feet

As the summer settles in, the temperature rise, the beach is a part of your weekend playground.  The nights get longer and there are many more social activities allow for much more opportunity to be running around to many places to enjoy time with your friends and family.  So wearing different types of shoes can subject your feet to a whole lot of abuse.  So here area  few ways to keep them nice and presentable.  Remember, its not about your feet being pretty, it’s about them being presentable.


Sunscreen.  This is the most overlooked option for keeping healthy feet in the summertime.  We have learned to place sunscreen all over our bodies, yet not here.  According to, foot cancer has been rising for sometime now.  People normally keep our feet covered for anywhere from six to nine months out of the year, and then when summer is upon us, we expose our feet to the sunlight all day or after being in shoes a majority of the day, which creates a higher risk for sunburn.  So pick a sunscreen with SPF 15+, and you should be good, and ask your “friend” to rub your feet along with your back when they are applying sunscreen while on the beach.  Remember to reapply, especially if exposed to water.  If you have white spots on your feet, don’t worry so much for they can be normal.  Just make sure you have your doctor check them out.  


Socks, lotion or baby oil remedy.  Ok, so take your mind off of the movie, American Pie for a minute, and actually believe there are more ways you can use this combination of items.  A great way in the winter or summer to get softer, more moisturized feet overnight is to take  some lotion, preferably non-scented like Eucerin, or baby oil and cover your feet.  Put the least amount in between your toes.  Then cover your feet with thinner socks in the summer, and thicker in the winter.  When you wake up, you have had anywhere from 4-8 hours of moisturizing on your feet.  Do this a few times, maybe one every few weeks and you will have soft toes all summer long.  If you have a special foot condition, please consult your doctor, for the extended moisture may affect the medicine’s response.


Clean Them up.  Get a pedicure, by yourself or someone else. Yeah I said it.  It amazes me that a significant amount of American men are among the most masculine on the planet, yet feel a pedicure is ladylike.  Let me help you out a bit, a significant amount of the men across the globe get them.  They offer a lot of great benefits such as first and foremost, a massage. 

Having your feet massaged helps out with the blood flow and your nerves, which helps with relaxation and circulation.  Think about it this way, if you are on your feet all day, all the time, why not take care of them?  

Second, exfoliation.  Since we are on them all the time, callus tend to form on the bottom of your feet, if not the heel.  When you get a pedicure, they use a pumice stone that can remove the dead skin that has built up, making them soft again.  Why is this important?  Think of you and a nice date on the beach, and you are rubbing her feet, and then all of a sudden, you get cut or you feel like you are rubbing a rock.  Not such a nice romantic experience.  

Last but not least, they cut your toe nails and clean them up so they look nice.  This really helps prevent most nail fungus and infections such as ingrown toe nails.  Besides, if your toes are going to be out in the open, might as well have them look nice.  I would get one once a month or two, and maintain them in between.  I will say be cautious about where you go and make sure they clean them in between clients.  Some don’t which can be really bad.  


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