Lifestyle: Keep A Clean Car

      You meet a nice woman, or have a great business appointment and they agree to have lunch or dinner with you. You go to pick them up and then there is your car. It's not clean or well kept. Just like a woman with shoes, and in interview with your finger nails, a well kept car is not only a gentlemanly things to do, but says a lot about you, just like making your bed. 
     Moreover, it sends a strong impression to the person entering it no matter if its for business or pleasure. Today I had lunch with a great friend, and the first this she said was, "Wow you have a nice car! So clean too!" Along with her smiling face, and great friendly conversation, she felt comfortable and at ease. She is one of my great female friends, and nothing will happen because I respect her union with her husband as does she. Yet, Imagine if I was on a date with a woman I was interested in, what kind of message do I want to send? I am clean, and put together, or in a mess and not moving in the right direction.  They say how you keep your room and your car are an indication of how your life is. Keep a clean car, inside and out.  Here are  a few tips on keeping a clean car   
Prevent bad odor from invading your car. The first thing is to get rid of clutter.  You would be surprised how often foul odor comes from something left under the seat that we don't know about.  Having no clutter also gives your car a cleaner appearance.  Additionally, eat as little as possible in your car reduces the chance of food left inside your car, something that could spill which causes a stain or odor.
Wash your car every two weeks and detail your car every 3-6 months.  I know this seems expensive, but washing your modern chariot preserves the life of the car by preventing rust, sunspots settling keeping healthy shine.  Additionally, they would be vacuuming the inside if you bring it somewhere, thus finding small things that you might have missed when you washed it yourself.  Just make sure that when washing the windows use  ammonia free based products, for they will fade your tint much quicker.  
In between washes you can dust it off with a microfiber towel.  For detailing it will surely preserve your paint, and bring out a fantastic shine and help preserve your leather.  The clay bar and wax is a must. If you pay for leather, by all means protect it.  To do it yourself, I recommend Lexol or Meguiar's.

Classic: Get a nice and pleasant air freshener.  The sense of smell is one of the most powerful of the five, so much that people, especially women looking for "company" will offer you a seat or say its taken.  Remember it's one of the first thing that people will notice when entering your car, so take advantage of this opportunity.  I would stick with the gel types such as the one from Yankee Candle. It's fairly inexpensive at $5-6, and safe.  Oil and gel cans are better, but can be messy.  If you really want to make an impression, change it as the season does.


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