Lifestyle: Have A Well Kept Place

With Spring here and Summer approaching, this gives one a perfect opportunity to make your place a nice destination for your special guest(s) by doing some spring cleaning.  No matter if you live in a small studio, or a 4 bedroom house overlooking Napa Valley, it’s important to make your place presentable.  Just as discussed before with ambiance, having the right atmosphere when your guest enter your humble abode can make a significant impression and says a lot about you in a subtle or abstruse way.  Making some small and key changes can make the difference between have a nice visit and making a memorable one.


Eliminate clutter.  Piles of things lying around gives an unorganized appearance and an unsettling feeling to your guests.  Clutter is a clear indicator of how things are going in your life.  The more clutter, normally means more unorganized one’s life is.  Donate what you don’t need, and place things that you want to keep neatly around the house.  I’m not saying it needs to be spotless, yet presentable.  I always say to keep your place as if The President of the United States is coming over unexpectedly. 

Use colors to bring character to your place. It’s an easy way to set the mood, and make a statement setting yourself apart. Bright colors bring a more happy feeling, whereas darker or warmer toned colors serve to be more soothing.  Make sure you work with the natural light that permeates the room.  That can have a dramatic effect on its appearance.  Additionally, scents are the most overlooked and significant piece of the puzzle when it comes to putting your place together.  Having the most impact with the least amount of effort.  Remember the sense of smell is one of the more powerful of the five senses.  Use this to your advantage.  Scents can change by season, just like one’s cologne.  There are many ways to do this such as linen sprays, candles, wall plug-ins or even plants.  Make sure its light and pleasant, and I can assure you people will be happy to visit during the day or for that oh so great night cap.

To complete your place, use accessories.  Plants such as orchids, bonsai trees, or ferns at life.  Fish, fountains, and other items such as guitars or wine bottles help create a theme. Paintings on the wall complete your customization and tie it all together.  


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