Day 12: Do One Act of Kindness

Is it hard to open the door for a stranger? Buy the person behind you at the tollbooth’s toll one random day or extend your discount to someone that you don’t know just so they can save some money like you do? Not really is it? 

To help restore the way things were, and show gratitude for the success that you have had or will have, extend an act of kindness to someone whom you don’t know.  Not only will you feel really good, but they will too.  Of course the easy one is to buy a nice lady a drink from across the room.  Although somewhat random, you should pick someone that you don’t have a vested interest. 

Ideas such as buying a police officer a cup of coffee, giving the remainder of your bottle of wine from dinner to the server or table next to you to share.  Or my favorite, buying kids ice cream at the ice cream.  Im not advocating to break your bank, but one less latte this week can do wonders for that one person who may just be having a bad day and now is having a good one because of you. 


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