Day 14: Get Less Attached To Your Cell Phone & Unplug

It is amazing how much people value their cell phones.  Before if you lost or misplaced your keys, purse/wallet it was difficult.  We all stop to look for it because you cant go anywhere in our car without it, or get in your house.  You also will have a hard time paying for anything or having identification. However, if we lose our cellphone, it’s like the end of the world, as we know it.  Its understandable that our cell phones are a major part of how we communicate.  You can text, email, Voxer, video chat and do the old fashioned thing: call someone on it.  Yet do you absolutely need to have it with you all the time, at every moment like Bill Gates or Warren Buffet?  I’m willing to bet that they don’t even have it with them all the time, just like the President of the United States, and I am certain they are busier than most of the globe.  Someone is going to get hurt right now, but unplug from time to time and put down your cell phone.  Spend time with the person you are with. 

When you are on a date, don’t leave your cell phone on the table.  That is disrespectful to the person you are with. Please place it in your purse or pocket when you are with them while eating (note: if you ask to put your cell phone in her purse, it shows trust in her and she will respect you for it).  Now you can get to know the person.  If she happens to be on her cell phone through out the date, ask her if she is expecting an important phone call or message (if so that is fine, and if you are yourself you should express this to your guest), if she continues, then respectfully finish your meal, cut the date short, and take her home.  She isn’t on a date with you she is with whom she is texting. 

Here is a little hint, you should always wash your hands before and after a meal.  This is the perfect time to check your cell phone.  The best time to check your phone is when she or you goes to the restroom.  This is the universal time for anyone and everyone to check their phone for messages and text.

Here is a great idea.  One day with a friend or family member, take a small road trip (30 min to 1 hour drive) somewhere and let some people know where you are going.  On the way there put your cell phones in the trunk or glove compartment.  While you are out for 2-3 hours turn your cell phone off and enjoy the day with each other’s company.  Then turn your cell phone back on when you get back home.  You will be amazed at how much you get to know that person, and how little you needed your phone.

It is amazing to me how much closer my friendships have become because I have removed the cell phone from our time together.  This higher level of friendship and love with loved ones can be yours too, if you are willing to just give up your cell phone and give your attention to the person in front of you. 


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