How To Compliment A Woman

Over the weekend, at a wedding, I met a pretty amazing woman.  Someone I felt I needed to meet.  We had light conversation, got to know each other a little better, and I enjoyed the rest of my evening with my friends after she departed. When that happens to a lot of men when the see someone who they are interested in, either because of how she looks, or what she is about, they need to find a way to approach her.  That for some men is easy, however for others it can be so difficult.  Although I didn’t use any of these ways to meet her, here are a few that will surely help you break the ice.  


Shoes.  Take a lesson from Spike Lee and Michael Jordan.  Is it the shoes? It sure is in this case. Women love shoes.  Just think about it for a moment, women buys a pair of shoes for every occasion, and typically guys complain about how many they have.  The shoes make the outfit, so why wouldn’t a woman want to hear a man say she has nice shoes? More importantly, women notice a man’s shoes before a lot of things when she see’s a man.  How he takes care of his shoes is a good indicator of how he is hygiene wise.  So if she pays attention to your shoes, why not pay attention to hers?


Accessories.  Women are the respected queens of accessories.  The concept that accessories make the outfit comes from careful coordination and brings out the colors or particular aspects of the outfit.  Lets take a belt for instance, the right belt can transform her whole outfit.  Make her look thinner, more curvaceous, and eve taller.  The right earrings, or bracelet can make her look that much nicer.  However, the best part is that it may help her feel more glamorous, or beautiful.  Women take a lot of tender loving care in selecting the right accessories, so if you were to comment on that, she will surely appreciate it.  


Nails or Hair.  There is nothing more specific about a woman than her hair and nails.  Women can buy the same dress, get the same accessories, but a new haircut is specific to the woman.  No two woman will look the same.  Hair is tied to the occasion, and in some cases to what is going on in their lives.  What is most alarming is that men don't notice when women cut their hair.  If you ask a woman, most of the time, unless its really cut short, or the hair color is drastically changes, men don't notice.  So if you know her or see her daily and you notice, that means you pay attention to her, and that is important.  Everyone wants some form of attention, just make sure its respectable.  Let her know that you like the change, unless you don’t, then don’t mention it.  

Nails are significant because they go unnoticed for one reason: they are taken for granted.  Woman’s hands are precious, and they do their best to take care of them.  So its assumed by most men that they are done.  When you listen to music or have small talk, they talk about getting their nails done, and it can take some serious time to make sure they are right.  So if you see a woman, and they are consistently done, then you most likely won’t comment on them.  However, if you take a look at a lot of women’s hands, they are not in the best of shape.  There are some hands out there that need some serious help.  This is not to say that a woman isn’t a woman.  We have to look at what she does at work or her spare time, which can impact how they look.  Then if you look at those who actually take care of their nails, you see how nice they are in comparison, thus you now appreciate the time it takes.  She will know that and appreciate you took the time to properly note it.  Be sincere.  Great lead in is to say something along the lines of, “I would have chosen that color myself”, or “That color looks way better on you than me.”  Get a smile every time.


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