Top 10 Books To Read: #2 Think and Grow Rich

If there is someone who you could put on the same level, or close to Dale Carnegie, it would be Napoleon Hill.  Written in the 1930’s, this book has helped many people achieve their goals financially and in business. The now famous page 36, lays it out straight of what you need to do and how you need to do it in six easy steps.  Trust me, it works.  Every time I do what this books says, I pretty much get what I want.  The key is focus here.  

With an easy to read feel, and a small 250+ pages, pick this book up for a light winter read this weekend.  For something that costs less than $7.00, the return is well worth it.  Buy it used on Amazon, or in your local bookstore at a discounted price.  If you want to know where a lot of “The Secret” came from, or the behaviors behind it, look no further than this book.  Let me put it this way, if they were both on a table, and I could just take one, it would be this book.  By the way, if you read this before, pick it up again and again, im sure you missed something, and a refresher isn't a bad idea either. 


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