What's In Your Wallet?

These days, a gentleman needs to make sure he has the essentials, this also includes his wallet.  I have seen so many men out there with wallets that are as thick as dictionaries.  Not only is it an eyesore, it's also unnecessary.  Lets look at some things that you can adjust to make things much easier.  


Old Receipts.  In today’s world it is so easy to keep track of your expenses.  With some companies and banks now having email receipts, there is no need to keep them in your wallet.  You can keep them forever virtually.  Additionally, most banks have the option to track your expenses on their website.  If not, you can use mint.com.  A nice website where you can track all your expenses from your credit cards to your bank accounts.  This also helps you look at your upcoming bills and sends a reminder.  This way you can reduce clutter in your wallet and increase the happiness of your pocket because there will be extra space.  If you do need to carry receipts, when you get home, put them in a box, and when they clear you account with online banking, throw them away. messy wallet is a bad one.


Important Documents.  There is no need to keep important documents with you at all times.  In the past, it was normal to keep documents such as your social security card, or extra identification card on you, but with the damage that could be done with identity theft is in some cases unrecoverable.  Keep your social security card, identification card, passport or other documents at home or your safety deposit box.  Since they are rarely used, then you can rarely need to access them, thus keep them in a safe place.  


Limit cash & credit cards. To control spending, its a good idea not to carry too much cash or extra credit cards.  An added bonus is that you reduce your risk of losing more if something happens to you.  With so many places accepting credit and debit cards these days, there is little reason to actually have cash on hand.  Just bring the cards you intend to use and cash you intend to spend, thus making things much easier for you. 


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