Twilight's Other Twinkling Star

Twilight’s Other Twinkling Star:

Ashley Greene

As one of the years most anticipated movie series comes to a close, most fans will be deciding between team Jacob or team Edward.   Yet team Alice gets my vote.  Alice Cullen, played by Ashley Greene is one of the most surprising actresses in the series.  Twenty-five years old and from Jacksonville, FL, this southern belle was known in her youth as a tomboy.  Studying taekwondo and holding great grades. She then moved to Los Angeles after graduating early to pursue an acting career and the rest is history.  Ashley is surely a woman that most men admire physically, and has a great personality.  Although most people know about Kristian Stewart, my eyes will be on Miss. Greene.  I look forward to seeing her in her next movie, and with my luck, in person. Click to read her interviews.  Interviews


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